
My mom, leaving everything she knew behind to get married and move to America.

Happy Mother's Day  to one of the bravest people I know!  Lisa Ha

Lisa Ha:It's amazing that was 41 years ago! Happy to share with Y generation 


Thank you everything over the years Kids

感謝三個孩子送給我⋯母親節的禮物 IPAD AIR 2

大女兒在康卅 小女兒在丹麥 只有小少爺做代表


感謝上天給了我三個那麼好的孩子 讓自己的生命多采多姿 豐富我生命!


On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us

吃遍四面八方 您做的飯菜才是最香

走遍天涯海角 您在的地方才是永遠的家

情暖五月天 溫馨母親節 子女同心 共沐慈愛

祝福全天下的母親 安康喜心 天天母親節

Thank you for everything over the years mom 

To the worlds number one mom!

Someone's looking forward to our June trip to Taiwan smile emoticon

署假放假就要回台灣來看太公太婆 小萬人迷等不及了!

Shirley Ha Chock's photo.
Shirley Ha Chock's photo.


Haha 做外婆的我⋯如今都偷偷的⋯向她學習如何擺 ~Pose~
Love this photo of Carina with my mom smile emoticon  with Lisa Ha.顏_小提琴 》


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